Hilarious. LOL
[Via: Todd Berman]
Although these are numbered, they are in no particular order.
- You wake up in November hating the entire world.
- You always wanted to move to Canada, and the draft could be just the impetus you needed.
- You determine the leader of America based on how good they look in a fireman's hat.
- You need to know just how long his administration can go before it turns Powell into it's latest scapegoat.
- You want to see just how high this deficit can get before someone in the White House admits we have a problem.
- You can't get enough of that wacky National Security Advisor's latest hijinks.
- You live in Florida, because you figure if your vote isn't going to count, you might as well vote for the predetermined winner.
- Your hope that maybe if he wins this time, his father will jump out of the plane without a parachute this time.
- Another four years of neo-conservatives can't be worse than the first four.
- You think future presidents doing cocaine at Camp David is totally a good idea, and want to make sure Bush's daughters get more chances to prove how 'presidential' they can be.
- For some reason, the youth of America has always bothered you, and you would like to see more of their innocent lives lost in a pointless conflict.
- After 4 years of wonderfully funny flash animations, you have no idea how you can spend 8 hours at work without humour at George Bush's expense.
- He may have caused most of the rest of the world to lose what little respect it still had for America, but at least he didn't sleep with his intern.
- If George Bush is good enough for Jesus, he is good enough for you.
- You live in Tennessee, just got your thumbs, are relatively unsure how to use them, and missed the button to vote Yes on Prop 742 - Alien Sterility/Dentistry Program (Homage to the late master of comedy).
- Baby killing is good. Jodie Foster told you so.
- Pat Buchanan isn't running and you want the next best thing. Helms/Buchanan in 08!
- You are scared shitless.
- You are unable to resist the temptation to vote for Dick/Bush...
- Dick Cheney promised to show you his underground lair.
- Only thing better than one car wreck is two car wrecks.
- You were born mentally retarded.