Thursday, September 09, 2004
.NET Languages Weblog]
Wesner blogs about iterators in C#. It's short, but it shows you what the C# compiler is doing for you to handle the yield
Nice article. Demonstrates some interesting use patterns for iterators.
Michael Swanson's Blog]
I had planned to post my own article about slipstreaming the recently released Service Pack 2 with your original Windows XP CD media, but it looks like Tom's Hardware beat me to it. By following the instructions in
the article, you can create a single bootable CD that installs Windows XP along with Service Pack 2. If you're like me and you like to refresh and reinstall your system every six months or so, having a CD like this is very handy. Here's
another article with similar instructions.
[Via: TheServerSide.NET]
Microsoft has released a new tool to help identify authentication and access control issues in ASP.NET for Web sites, FTP sites, virtual directories, Web directories, and files. This tool not only will help to identify current issues but can be used to monitor authentication failures as they happen.